The Vape Dictionary

The vape dictionary is a page dedicated to keeping as many of commonly used vape terms in one location where they can be defined. If there are any common terms I am missing, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page and it may be added.

 Cartomizer refers to a cartridge that contains a coil that is surrounded by a filler soaked in ejuice. Cartomizers are most common in cigalikes.

Clearomizers are the most common form of commercially available "tanks", unlike cartomizers, they do not rely on a soaked filler to deliver juice but instead us a wick system.

Glassomizers are clearomizers made of glass, Pyrex, or borosilicate glass. They are no different that a standard clearomizer in function. These tanks are however preferred by users that use flavors that cause problems for plastic clearomizers.

RBA stands for rebuildable atomizer, this classification is most often used to describe rebuildable tank systems. The term RBA can also be accurately used to describe and atomizer system that can be rebuilt.

RDA stands for rebuildable dripping atomizer and is used to describe atomizers that are rebuildable and have no tank. The user typically drips juice directly onto the wicks and coil. These types of tanks are usually used by veteran vapers and produce a crap load of vapor if set up correctly.

RTA stands for rebuildable tank atomizer. Most rebuildable tank systems fall into this category. Tanks that fall into this category include the kayfun, fogger, and aqua.

Mod is a term that was coined to describe devices that users built themselves out of flashlights or blocks of wood. The term is used now as a blanket term that refers to all full size vaporizers that are not an ego or a cigalike.

Mechanical or Mechanical Mod refers to mods that have no internal circuity or wires. These mods are almost always a simple tube with a switch and a 510 connector. These kind of mods are usually used in circumstances where a VV/VW device would not be able to push the needed power to the coil because of safety limitations.

VV stands for variable voltage, VW stands for variable wattage.

Ohms is the term used when referring to electrical resistance.

Small lightweight vape batteries, the most commonly sold vaporizer battery. These batteries are typically regulated 350 - 1100 Mah Li-ion 3.7 Volt devices. Some Ego batteries, such as the iTaste CLK and Ego-C Twist feature VV settings between 3.3 - 5 volts.

IMR refers to batteries in the safe chemistry and high drain categories. These kind of batteries are the recommended batteries for use in all mods. These are especially needed by users of mechanical mods as they often have high amp rating and low internal resistance.

Thermal Runaway
Thermal runaway is a term used to describe the outcome of a battery has been shorted or over discharged in a manner that causes the battery to vent hot gasses or explode.

Refers to an e-cigarette that resembles a real cigarette.

Clone is a term used by vapers to describe counterfeit or "non authentic" copies of mods. The term is most often applied towards mechanical mods and RDAs, there are however VV/VW clones on the market. Clones are often bought because they are lower in price and often not far off from the originals.

Drip Tip
A drip tip is a small Delrin, plastic, glass, or metal insert that goes inside a cartomizer or atomizer and is used as a mouth piece. The name was given because some users use the tip to drip liquid through rather than removing the mouth piece.

Kanthal is the name of a metal alloy that is used in resistance wire, and is the most commonly used wire for coil building. It is cheaper than nichrome and is considered safer and more cost effective as a coil material.

1 comment:

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